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What our Umpire Co-ordinator has to say about Crowborough Hockey Club Umpires.....

"Our club umpires are a fantastic group of volunteers who give up there own time to ensure all our adult, development, junior and mixed teams can play. Most umpires start their journey as players who want to learn more about the game and do more for the club, they begin by umpiring some of the younger teams with a more experienced umpire to help them along the way. When they are ready to move onto adult hockey they will start with lower league games again with an experienced umpie along side them to build up their confidence. We provide our umpires with radio headsets to ensure they support each other in their decision making. Those who umpire adult hockey take the England Hockey Level 1 course to become an unassessed umpire and qualify them to undertake lower level adult appointments. Following experience at this level and when right for the individual we put them forward for their England Hockey Level 1 assessment which if passed means they can umpire teams at all levels. CHC Umpires are a very supportive of each other, discussing decisions and supporting in more challenging situations. Our priority is to ensure our umpires enjoy the role and feel part of our umpiring team and most importantly the club."

- Amanda Catling, Umpire Co-ordinator.

If you are interested please contact us - 

Young Umpires

In the current season we are encouraging young players to join the Sussex County program to continue (or indeed start) their amazing development. Anyone aged between 11-19 is welcome to join in. Umpiring gives you a full understanding of the rules and a great overview of this fabulous sport. You will develop excellent communication skills, superb collaboration skills with your fellow umpire and it enables players to be in a fair, safe and supported environment. You may also consider umpiring as part of your Duke of Edinburgh award - as a skill or a way to volunteer.

We have some experienced adult umpires here at Crowborough who are always happy to umpire alongside you and guide you on your journey. 

Interested? Contact Vicky Dennett and I can help you start your journey.


07771 805 610

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Webmaster - Bethany Catling 

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