Crowborough Hockey Club aims to safeguard all of its members by implementing the best practices in all situations of club life. This ranges from coaching to games and into the social aspects of the club. This, in conjunction with DBS checks and safeguarding training, is done with the intention of keeping all young people in hockey safe. Good practice is not just for training and matches, but for anything a club does that involves young people.
England Hockey have produced a good practice guidance document, which can be found on this page. The guidance covers working with young people, positions of trust, supervision ratios, communication and changing rooms. The guidance from England hockey also contains links to other useful organisations. If you would like any further information or have a concern to report, please contact Justin Singleton (the club welfare and safe guarding officer), or the deputy welfare and safe guarding officer Lucy Smith.
Please talk to one of these people if you have any concerns about anything related to the welfare and safety of any club member especially anyone under 18. All concerns are taken seriously.
Selection, Captain's and Player's Expectations
Click on the PDF to read up on our updated club selection policy.
Our Rules
Click on the PDF to read up on our updated club rules.